Monday, July 20, 2009

Monday again (and again... and again... )

They keep coming - Monday after Monday. Okay... there are days in between, but it seems like every time I turn around, it's Monday again! And today, here we go again! It's Monday!

The only thing that salvaged today was lunch at Chili's with Richard, Michael and J.C. (from work). J.C. is a couple of years younger than Richard. They played on the same baseball team at one point (when they were both VERY young). And now poor J.C. has to spend every day across the hall from me at work.

ANYWAY... Richard was telling us about his golf game on Sunday and the man who played with his group. Well he played with them PART of the time and then Richard "found" him another single to join. Best for everyone concerned, trust me.

Richard was telling us about this guy and his poor etiquette - standing on the green holding the pin, being wasted (is being drunk considered poor etiquette?), and on and on and on. OBVIOUSLY it was NOT Richard's fault that he lost his temper and almost thumped the guy. Obviously not Richard's fault. Obviously.

ANYWAY, while Richard was telling us this story, Michael and I were laughing. It was funny! But J.C.???? J.C. was crying, he was laughing so hard! I thought he was going to fall off of his chair. Every time Richard tells a story, J.C. collapses in laughter. It's worth getting Richard to tell stories, just to see J.C. laugh! Sooooooo funny!

Back to the golf game. In the end, "the guy" went to play with someone else (with some encouragment from Richard). Richard did NOT thump him. But Richard's friends harassed him for the rest of the afternoon. He said that he'd be ready to take a shot and look up - and one of his friends was standing on the green, holding the pin. And then they'd all laugh.

I mean, really. What are friends for anyway? If your friends can't pick on you, who can???

Long story almost over - lunch was fun!

Laughing with friends is fun!

Laughing with your son is the best!

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