Saturday, September 10, 2011

Pardon me while I rant!

I just had a visit from my neighborhood civic association president.  He came to tell me about the neighborhood picnic and garage sale - which I will not attend!

By the time he left, I'm sure he was sorry that he stopped by.   BUT... to his credit, he was still smiling.

I told him that I wanted to put up a privacy fence and asked if that would be okay.  He stammered a little and said that considering who 2 of my neighbors are, the board would certainly consider it.

Me:  So, the rules are not really "the rules".  Although the by-laws clearly state that privacy fences are not allowed, the interpretation of the rules depends on who you are - like high school.  If you're "in", you've got it made.  If you're "out", it's a different world.

Him:  Oh no!  But the board (lower case letter - just my opinion) would be sympathetic to your case.


Then the rules are not the rules and the civic association (again.. they do not deserve upper case letters) is a  joke.

Me:  Did you know that although Edgewood Hills residents are not allowed to construct privacy fences of 4 or 6 feet tall, there is a fence between my yard and "Hateful Anna's" yard that is 108" tall!

Him:  Well, I didn't know how tall it was.  The board was sympathetic because of the hateful man who lives next to you.

Me:  Hateful man next door?  Are you awake?   The hateful one lives behind me - not next door!!! I LIKE Wayne! And besides... that "fence" doesn't even touch his property

Him: (Inredulously)  Really???

Me:  Did you know that she created a trench so that the water from my yard and hers would run into Wayne's yard and that I was told that she would sue me if I tried to fill it in.

Him:  No, I thought he was the one who created the drainage problem.

Me:  Does water run uphill these days???

She whines, cries, manipulates, and spends her life on the phone with the County, filing complaints against the neighbors.  I have dubbed the monstrosity of a fence that she constructed (at a cost of several thousand dollars I'm told) in the back yard...

Anna's Wall of Hate
 I hope it keeps the hate on her side!

My next door neighbor is a good neighbor.  It's not him that is the problem.

Anna sucks!

And so does the civic association.

Thought you should know.

Do you have a "wall of hate" in your life?

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