Sunday, September 11, 2011

In the name of God

September 11th.

I turned on the television this morning and watched some of the memorial services on the major networks - incredible, well-produced images, an amazing flautist, children singing - terribly, terribly sad.

And then I accidentally stumbled onto the Arts & Entertainment channel.  They were showing actual footage from September 11, 2001 with no commentary.  Images of horror, fear, courage.  I watched all of those firemen march toward the disaster and I was struck by the determination in their stride, the lack of fear on their faces.

It was then that I wept and experienced the heartache that I felt that awful day - maybe even more now than then. 

Nothing very profound to say.  It's all been said - and far better than I could ever say it.

Like many, I'm constantly astounded by the atrocities that man perpetuates on man - both en masse and individually - in the name of God.

Violence - in the name of God?  Hatred - in the name of God?  It's not possible - not possible.

The name of God should move us to love a little harder - forgive a little faster.

I don't always do as well as I should.  I don't always practice what I preach.

But the name of God encourages me to do better.

How does the name of God affect you?

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