Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The night after the day before...

I'm starting to get my days mixed up. Uh oh! Bad sign! Let's go backwards! (another bad sign)

Okay... today is Tuesday - "kids-eat-free" at Red Robin. Chelsea, Michael and I met Greg and the boys at Red Robin for dinner. Although it was great to see them all, the service was SO bad! What a fiasco! Considering the time we were there, the kids were terrific! And I got "coming" and "going" hugs from everyone - well worth the trip! :)

So that means that yesterday was Monday. (Ahhhh! The ol' mind is a steel trap!) Sunday was not one of my best days, so I went to Levittown yesterday to celebrate Father's Day with my father. We had a nice afternoon - went to lunch at the Dallas - took the scenic route back to his office (via a road that used to be a runway).

Once back at the office, we played on Dad's computer. I showed him pictures of all the cousins on Facebook. We talked - and remembered - and laughed. Nice afternoon. Before I left, I signed Dad up on Facebook so that he can check in with all of us. Greg thanked me tonight when I saw him ;)

I was right on the edge of the work traffic as I headed back to Delaware through Phildelphia, but I skated through without much trouble. It's not a bad drive - just about an hour - and with some good music playing, the time flies by. But then... time in the car has always been an escape for me - driving, a stress reliever. Still is.

Chelsea took Michael out to lunch on Monday for Father's Day. He said they had a great time. He loves spending time with Chelsea - just the two of them. Chelsea gave him a book with the chords and lyrics for all of the Beatles songs. Great present!!!! He'll love it!!

Sunday was... well.... Sunday. Not much going on - just one of those ouchy days. Monday was a lot better!

And today was better yet. Life IS good!

Happy belated Father's Day to all of the fathers.

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