Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What is it?????

Okay... I'm looking for help with this one.  Below is a picture of a... hmmm... thing that I bought at an antique shop nine or ten years ago.  I use it to hold business cards, but I have NO idea what it is.  Do you?  I'd appreciate any and all help on this one!!

The "blue thing" is 3 1/4" wide, 1 5/8" deep and it stands 2 3/4" high.  It's heavy like milkglass.  There were several colors, I think,  but the blue stood out for me.  I'd love to know what it actually is and how it was originally used.

Any ideas, anyone?


Gina said...

I'm sorry, Jane, but I have no idea what this beautiful milk glass container was created for. But it it truly lovely! I liked savoring its elegance in the pictures. I can't imagine what it feels like to hold it and see it "in person"!! Let me know when you do find out for what it was intended! :-)

Scott Murrie said...

Could it be that your adaptive use is close to the intended one? Everyone used to carry and leave calling cards near the front door on visits. Some sort of vessel was provided for the collection of the cards, and your little objet seems to be a great size for that. Or for growing an orchid.

jane said...

Thanks, guys! Gina... it's just so pretty - kind of swirly blue and kind of hobnail. Kind of.

Scott... that I am using it for what it was intended? How strange. I try to avoid that when possible. But.. an orchid? Oh! I like it!!