Monday, February 15, 2010

Dear John

I KNOW!  3 Go's!  I mean... really... it's Nicholas Sparks.  It was good.  It really was, but I dunno, it wasn't "The Notebook" - for sure.

There were two couples sitting behind me that were teen-like (I mean, I didn't ask them their ages, but they looked young [but then who doesn't] and school WAS off for President's Day.)

ANYWAY... both of the girls were crying loud enough to hear. So either they were really into the movie or they were being tortured silently. (I'm voting for "into" the movie) Everyone I talked to who saw it said that they cried and cried.  I didn't.

I'm capable (I think).  But this one didn't do it for me.  ALTHOUGH... I was most impressed with Channing Tatum (that's old lady for "he's hot"!!!!).  I've never been a huge fan of Amanda Seyfried (except in Mama Mia) - even though she's almost a local girl.  (Which counts for a lot with me. I'm a "home team" kinda gal).

Someone told the that the book was much different than the movie which means that my next BOMC2 (Book of the Month Club 2) purchase will be "Dear John".

It was okay. I'd say... go see it.  You may like it better than I did.  After all, it IS Nicholas Sparks.

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