Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentine's Day

The movie... not the day.

We went to see Valentine's Day. We got more than we expected.  I'd give it 4 Go's!

While trying to decide what to see, Michael said, "If Julia Roberts is in it, we can't go wrong".  I agreed so that was our scientific and extremely thorough method of picking the movie to go see.

Surprisingly, Julia Roberts wasn't in it very much.  Scott told me that he heard that she made over $200,000 a minute for the time she was on screen.  (Good thing she didn't work for the state, she would have only gotten $194,500 a minute - that 2.75% decrease in pay we got, you know?).  ANYWAY, she's Julia Roberts and she's always a treat to see, but she was just a tiny part. 

We hadn't heard all the hype about the movie - didn't know that everyone in the world (ok.. that's figurative. You know that. Don't hassle me!) was in that movie.

We thought the movie was a little slow, but it was so much fun everytime someone else we knew came on screen that we forgot it was a little slow (except for the times that Michael dozed off). 

I have never been a Taylor Swift fan, but after this movie? Sign me up.  In my opinion, she stole the movie.  When she danced in her track suit, I almost fell out of my seat, laughing (in the handicapped section - which could have really caused a disturbance). 

Ashton Kutcher?  I want to think that IS Ashton Kutcher - that he played himself (leave me alone with my pollyanna fantasies, thank you).  And Anne Hathaway???  Hysterical. 

Every time the scene changed, we laughed again.  If you don't already know everyone who's in the movie, don't bother finding out. Just enjoy the ride!

You really have to see this one!  If there was more of a story, rather than feeling like connected vignettes, I would probably have given it 5 Go's. (or maybe if I see it again, I'll change my mind and bump it up)

Go! You won't be sorry!

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