Sunday, October 2, 2011

When is a bobblehead not a bobblehead?

Well, hang on a second and I'll tell you.

I know that Kate, Bryce and Matthew LOVE the Phillie Phanatic, so I recently signed them all up for the Phillie Phanatic Phan Club.  Being a member of the Phan Club entitles you to "stuff" and some privileges when you go to the game! (Brynn is still too little but we'll get her next year!)

Kate and Brynn sporting their Phillies shirts

Kate called yesterday to thank me for her membership.  (What a sweetie!)

She told me that she got a poster of the Phanatic, and a "member card" (in Kate's words) WITH a necklace (lanyard) so that she could wear the member card.  She told me that she also got a Phillie Phanatic wobblehead.  A wobblehead!  I mean really!  How cute is THAT?

She liked the poster and the wobblehead but her favorite thing seemed to be the member card!   How funny!  She made my day... for sure!

And after all... does the head wobble or not???  I think that's pretty descriptive for a 4-year-old - but then Kate is EXTREMELY articulate!

So that was my chuckle for the day!  A wobblehead!  Cute!!!

The Phillies are n the playoffs so we have our rally caps and rally towels ready to go!

What made you smile this weekend??

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