Saturday, October 15, 2011

We're Philadelphia Bound

Fall break at Ball State on Monday and Tuesday, so Chelsea flew home from Indiana on Friday for a long weekend - returning to Indiana on Monday afternoon.  It was a busy but relaxed and wonderful weekend. 

It was fantastic to see Chelsea.  It's been WAY too long since she was home last.  She brought her boyfriend, Andrew, with her this trip (brave girl).  He felt like part of the family from the time he walked in the door.  (Michael liked him enough to open up his chocolate stash and dump a bag of Milky Ways on the dining room table on Friday night. It takes a pretty high approval rating to get access to Michael's chocolate! )

Chelsea was hungry for a good ol' Philly cheese steak from Steak Works so that's where we went for lunch on Saturday.   This was Andrew's first Philly cheese steak and he jumped in bravely with both feet... or... well... with peppers and fried onions (and some tomatoes from the half of mine that I couldn't eat).

Andrew enjoyed his cheese steak SO much that he took a picture of it with his camera to send to his brother. 

We asked Andrew if there was anything he wanted to do while he was here.  We offered to take him to Philadelphia for the historical tour.  He said that what he'd really like to do is to channel his inner Rocky and run the steps at the Philadelphia Art Museum.  So off to the Art Museum we went on Saturday afternoon.

 Look at Andrew go!

At the top!

After a successful run to the top... what next but a picture with Rocky himself (or at least his statue)?

Ah!  That feeling of accomplishment!

What good is success without someone to share it with?

Chelsea sauntered her way halfway up the steps so that she could take a picture of Andrew on his way up.  I'll have to see if she's sharing that picture!

... and back down

We were impressed!  Andrew was barely winded.

After our adventure at the Art Museum we headed to South Street for some "people watching" and then to Johnny Rockets  at 5th and South for something to eat. 

Michael suggested a trip over a bridge as part of  Andrew's East Coast tour. Andrew was "down" with that (I am SO cool) and so we rode across the Delaware Memorial Bridge to New Jersey and then back again to Delaware- one of Michael's favorite bridges.

Michael remarked that there is no charge to go to New Jersey, but they DO charge you to get out!

We threatened promised to take Andrew to the Delaware beach, the Jersey shore and to ride the ferry from Lewes, DE to Cape May, NJ. the next time he returns.

Do you have any favorite bridges?  Or strong feelings about crossing bridges?

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