Monday, October 17, 2011

Hoot and Crow

Sunday was "Hoot and Crow" day for all of us.

"What?", you say?  "Hoot and Crow?  What the heck is "Hoot and Crow"?  Well, hold on a second and I'll tell you.

When the kids were in their teens with their social-teen schedules, they would often get in late on a Friday or Saturday night and then need to be up early the next morning for baseball or football or soccer or some kind of practice.  When they were slow getting up in the morning, their dad used to encourage them with...

"Time to rally.", Rich would say - followed quickly by...

"What's the matter???  You can't hoot with the owls and crow with the roosters???"

Often that was shortened with a knowing head shake, to... "You can't hoot and crow."

Hence... "Hoot and Crow" has remained THE saying for those who stay up too late and have a hard time getting up in the morning.

That was the long way around to say that Chelsea and Andrew visited with friends on Saturday night (while Michael and I went to a concert) and then we all got up early to have breakfast with Richard, Julie,  Kate and Brynn at Jimmy's.

Andrew and Chelsea most definitely DID hoot and crow!

I wondered how well Kate would remember Chelsea but... not to worry.  They were buddies instantly!  Kate is 4 1/2 (she's careful to make sure you understand that she is not just 4) and so the last time she saw Chelsea, she wasn't quite 4 years old. 

Chelsea can hardly wait to get back at Christmas to see Kate again. Brynn was 6 months old when Chelsea was home for Christmas last year.   I'm sure that after Chelsea comes back for Christmas this year, she and Brynn will be buddies, too. 

Oh!  Sorry.  How rude!  I forgot Richard and Julie.  Richard and Julie were there, too and Chelsea was delighted to see them (but I think Kate held Chelsea's heart).

What family sayings or phrases do you have that bring a smile and a memory?

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