Sunday, June 26, 2011

Grocery Shopping R Me

One of the sucky things about living with my friend, Lupus, is that shopping of any kind requires 3 knights, 14 horses, the alignment of the stars and/or my scooter (which I have a hard time navigating on and off the car on my own - not to mention the dear little basket on the front which would hold a bottle of salad dressing and a pack of gum - maybe). 

ANYWAY... blah blah blah... whine whine whine... I discovered online grocery shopping.  What a hoot! 
I can make my list online - reserve a pickup time (half hour span) and then go to the store - drive into the "Shop at Home" drive-thru (oh yes!  A drive-thru!) and within a minute or two, some smiling person comes out to the car, asks my name, and loads my groceries into the car.  Could be my new best friend!

Yesterday I arrived at the store at 4:00 on the dot and I was home at 4:18.  Really... how cool is that?????

There is a $10 charge, but after coupons, etc, I was still ahead almost $40. Not bad!

I arrived home with boundless enthusiasm and optimism, carried in the frozen and refrigerated things (2 trips).  On the 3rd, 4th and 5th trips (walking with a cane severely hampers your carrying ability) I brought in "regular stuff" - for the pantry.

After the 5th trip I was just done. Finished.  The cases of water?  Let's just say that warm water from the car was beginning to have some appeal.  And the watermelon?  It looked to me like it wanted to ride around in the car for a day or two.  I mean... I didn't ask it, but it just looked that way to me.  You know watermelons.  They're not very opinionated.

Michael came home from work and rescued me - brought in the rest of the groceries, the water and the watermelon.  (Maybe I read that ol' watermelon wrong. Maybe it wasn't interested in a ride.)

I would say that Michael was less than thrilled with my quest for independence.  (I think that's what it means when his two eyebrows turn into one somewhere over the bridge of his nose.)  I KNOW that all I had to carry in was the frozen and refrigerator stuff, but I wanted to do it all - all by myself.  And given another 24 hours (not unreasonable) I would probably have done it.  After reminding me "Honey, you know I would have taken all of that in." Michael gave me a hug and handed me the ice packs (ice always follows activity) That ol' Michael is a very kind and patient person!

I remember when Kate went through that "I want to do it myself" stage at about 2 years old.  She's now 4 1/2 and has outgrown it.  Just like all those cute little cartoons and stories about "old people" predict, I'm regressing - back to 2 years old. Oh!  Let's not go there!

ANYWAY... I went grocery shopping - something that I used to take for granted.  There is actually food in the refrigerator that hasn't reached the expiration date (a story for another day - maybe tomorrow) - food in the freezer - an extra this or that in the pantry.

Really, it doesn't take much to entertain me - or maybe my gratitude level has changed.  I don't know. I do know that yesterday was a great day!

Life is good!

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