Friday, June 24, 2011

Farewell, Cousin Tom

We had a visit from my cousin, Tom, this week, although I can't figure out why anyone would leave the cool of the mountains for this humidity pot!  Ugh!

We had one of those quiet, laid back, weeks - not much doing - mini tours of the local pizza establishments - computer time - and even some porch painting!  We have a ceiling fan on the porch but Tom couldn't use it because it churned up the dust and made the new paint unhappy.  It was oppressive this week - all week. 

If I closed in the porch and had it air conditioned, would it still be a porch??

Yesterday we  "tried" to beat the heat by heading to the Delaware beach and Jersey shore.   (And no, we did not see Snookie or the Situation). I repeat... "tried".

We started the day on the Cape May Lewes Ferry - on the Lewes side. 

We took the Ferry across the Delaware Bay to Cape May, NJ.  This is the first time since in all the years that I've lived here that there was no... and I mean... NO air on the boat.  Not one hair blew in the wind. 

We did a little mini-tour of Cape May and then headed up the coast to Somers Point, where friends of Tom's own a restaurant called the Clam Bar. (Also known as Smitty's Clam Bar)

They were almost as happy to see Tom as he was to see them.  We had a great dinner and and were treated royally! We arrived at about 4:30 and by the time we left, the parking lot was jammed!  Our timing couldn't have been better!

We took the back roads - ran into torrential rains - and made it back home before 8:00.  All in all a great day!

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