Sunday, May 5, 2013

What could be better than a Sunday in May?

Today is one of those beautiful May days when the rush of the week fades away into the bright sun and lush green that is spring.  And what better way to spend an hour on a Sunday afternoon than watching children play... especially when those children are my grandchildren.

Richard and Julie bought a new house last year and one of the best parts of the house is the wonderful driveway - a great place for things with wheels and  balls that bounce... and chalk!  (LOTS of chalk)

Kate was making bird's nests - complete with flowers - THE most elegant bird's nest any bird could imagine.  

Brynn was busy being everywhere - coloring on the driveway with chalk - climbing on (and in) Richard's trailer.

Of course, since everyone else was getting their picture taken, Chase wanted his picture taken, too. 

Chase seems to gain new skills every day.   Richard said the he had been walking with his arms out parallel to the ground and now he thinks he's pretty cool because he can walk with  his arms down at his side?  (and "borrow" chalk from the girls and play some hoops with Dad). Wanna see?


Life is good!

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