Monday, May 13, 2013

Happy Mother's Day...

....  to me!

What a great Mother's Day I had, starting with a Facebook message from Richard, that started the great flood, BUT then he brought me back to reality with a reminder of how I "stole their cool" back in high school.  Maybe that story will be my next post.  It still makes me laugh.

Greg stopped over with plant hangers made with the initials of all of my grandkids... by family.

Richard's family first (he is the oldest) - Kate, Brynn, and Chase

Greg's family next - Gregory, Alex, Matthew

Scott's family last (sometimes it doesn't pay to be the youngest) - Bryce, Mason

 Kate, Brynn, Chase

Gregory, Alex, Matthew

Bryce, Mason

The man can build ANYthing!   I'm so fortunate to have been the targeted recipient of this project!  I LOVE them!

PLUS... they came with plants? I mean, really?  Could it get any better?

Then off for an early dinner at Mazzella's with Richard, Julie, Kate, Brynn, Chase and Julie's parents; Jackie and Tony.  I think I could spend an entire day just watching the kids do whatever it is that they are doing.  PERFECT children, I tell you!   (And yes!  I am objective!  Geez!)

After Mazzella's I was off to Greg's house.  They had a Mother's Day cookout with hamburgers, hot dogs, and the ever-popular strawberry shortcake.  Michael stopped on his way home from work and forced himself (hahaha) to sample Greg's burger expertise.   He gave Greg his highest rating!  

Scott called and we agreed to do Mother's Day on Tuesday afternoon.  Celebrate on TWO days?  Not to seem greedy or anything, but I'm definitely "in"!  Actually, any chance I have to see my kids or grandkids... I'm in!  

I think that being a mom is the greatest gift I ever could have received.  There isn't anything in this world that means as much to me as my kids.  I'm so very blessed.

God's love is amazing!

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