Friday, May 4, 2012

Vince Gill

Okay... when I saw that Vince Gill was going to be at the Keswick I thought... (as I often do)... "What the heck! Why not!".   It's Vince Gill and he's going be close.  So.... sure.  I'm in.

I was sure it would be okay... or even good, but I wasn't expecting it to be as great as it was!  Color me surprised!

When we got there, the sign on the door said "No Intermission."  Hmmmm... I thought (I know you like to know what I'm thinking)... must not be an opening act".  Unless, of course, they were thinking of doing some kind of tag-team switch between acts, which I seriously doubted.  (Nothing gets by me.)

Vince (Yes.. first names.  We're close.) said at the beginning of the show that he had spent a lot of years as an opening act - got to play for 25 minutes.  Sometimes he was the 2nd act and he was able to play for 45 minutes.  He told us that playing is what he loves to do and that he decided that when he did it again, he would just play a lonnnnnnnng time!

And play he did!  The show started at 8:00 and it was almost 11:00 before we were on the way to the car. He played lots of old ones... some new ones... had great stories.  It was a great night!

Vince said that one morning, shortly after his 55th birthday, he went to breakfast and noticed the menu for folks "55 and older" and it made him laugh that he was now in that group.  (I hit that age quite a while ago, and it never made me laugh.)

There were 8 in the band - plus Vince.  A great group of musicians!  I teasingly told Michael that this was the "no spring chickens" tour because the musicians were old enough to have "played for a few years"  (she said, tactfully).   We were definitely in the hands of people who knew what they were doing - and who had a good time doing it.

The man can play PLUS... the older he gets, the better he looks. (It doesn't seem to work that way for women)  By the way... those Martin guitars looked (and sounded) pretty good too. 

 A great night of music!  Would I go again?  You bet your boots, I would!

Thanks, Vince!  See you next time!

Any musical surprises in your life lately?

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1 comment:

Gina said...

No musical surprises in my life but I sure would have enjoyed the one that you just had!!