Monday, January 9, 2012

What's a new year without...

... some very fine New Year's resolutions?

I read a blog post this morning (LivingLifeGratefully  AKA Happiness Is...) where a husband and wife make New Year resolutions and then seal them up until the next year.  I thought it was a pretty cool tradition.

I thought about doing that myself - making some resolutions and sealing them up until next year and then checking to see how I did. I thought... If I seal them up, I'll forget what I wrote and that would make it more fun.  Then I thought... Heck, I can't remember anything for more than 2 days anyway.  Why bother sealing it up?  As long as I don't have a chart or a spreadsheet to remind me, I don't think I'll have any trouble forgetting that these are here.  (Although I hope they stay somewhere in my head at least long enough to accomplish one or two... or one.)

I guess the problem with going public, is that I might not put every resolution here, but if I succeed, I promise to let you in on the secret ones next year.  Really!

THEN I wanted to make rules about making resolutions.  That's how I roll.  You know... like they have to be measurable... or there have to be at least 10... or they have to be something I can complete in a year.  That kind of thing.

THEN what happens is that it becomes so cumbersome I don't bother.  I've visited this fun house before!

SO!  My first resolution is...

1.  Change the way I roll.  Don't have so many rules - or lists - or requirements before I start something.  Just... start it!

2.  Blog at least 2-3 times a week.  Surely I can manage that - especially if I follow Rule #1 and just do it - without structure or pre-planning - or rules - or a chart - or a pattern. You get the idea.

3.  Hand-write a postcard every week.  I can hardly sign my name in less than 2 pages.  A postcard is a great challenge.  I had an aunt that wrote postcards every week.  I was one of the recipients and I loved them.  On the other hand, I tried it with Chelsea last year and her reaction was more like indulgent amusement.  "Oh brother!  It must be Wednesday.  Here's another one of those stupid postcards from Jane."  Okay.. she never said that but I could hear her sigh and  feel her eyes roll. I could!  So this year, I'll scatter my focus for the sake of the recipients.  (Make them beg for more.  That's my theory!)

4.  Play my guitar(s) at least 2 hours per week.  I'd like to aim higher but I'm afraid I won't be able to hang.  Unless, of course, I could learn to play on my back while lying on the couch (where I crash after work, moaning and whining about how tired I am).  Oh heck!  Live on the edge!  I resolve to play my guitar at least 2 1/2 hours per week! (Watch out Keith Urban, Leo Kottke, and John Mayer!)

5.  Acquire affordable cleaning help.  63 years old with lupus?  Cleaning is not my "thing".  On a good day, the best I can do is to think about cleaning.  This ain't no luxury.  This is a necessity.  AND... I'm thinking that if I achieve #5... then #6 is a Gimme!

6.  Have my kids (and grandkids) to my house for dinner more often.  I'd like to aim at once a month (at least).  I love their company and dinner out is always too rushed.  BUT I need #5 in order to do #6. 

7.  Be healthier on January 1, 2013 than I was on January 1, 2012.  That's kind of hard to define, but I think I'll know it when I see it.  I'm trying to get off (and stay off) some of my meds.  Color me crazy, but I might even include some exercise in this process.  (As limitations allow - lower your expectations, please!)

8.  Take steps toward retirement - like cleaning out my house (I might sell it.  Who knows?!?)  - talking to the Social Security chumps and the State pension peeps - scaling down the budget (ugh) -  maybe looking for side income.  I would LOVE to retire by September 30, 2014.  Whether I can do that or not is still up in the air  I'm sure going to head in that direction and see where it leads.

I could make 10 or 20 small, meaningless resolutions just to impress you with numbers and ambition, but since these are BIG ones, I think I'll settle for 8.

Oh!  And if you want a postcard, email your address to  :-)

What's your most challenging New Year's resolution???

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