The definition of a Good Day can change for me - even minute to minute - so the measure of a Good Day can obviously change, too. If you see this post title again some day, it won't have the same content as this one. It might have more to do with curbing my road rage on the way to work - or resisting the urge to tell someone exactly what's on my mind.
ANYWAY... sometimes days that start off not so hot, end up pretty darn good (like today).
Here are 5 reasons why...
1. I woke up (always a good start!)
2. Beautiful morning this morning. Any day I can ride to work with the sunroof open and the radio blasting is a very good day.
3. At lunchtime I went to the hospital to sit with Greg while Amy was in surgery (see #4) and I walked my silly self all over that doggone hospital to get to him. (Since lupus came to visit, walking is generally not my best friend - especially not that kind of walking and especially when the day starts off with a lot of pain, like this one did. How did I manage all that walking? I can only say that I was God-assisted.)
4. Amy's surgery went well and she will be going home from the hospital tomorrow.
5. At some point today, I got to talk to each of my kids (and yes, they are still kids when they're in their 30s)
And a bonus #6 measure of a Good Day...
When I got home from the hospital, the front porch was covered with boxes from my buddy the UPS man. Christmas is definitely on the way!
When I was a kid (no, not in my 30s... when I was a REAL kid) I loved sending away box tops to get free things in the mail. I haven't changed much. (only now it costs a LOT more money to get things in the mail)
What do you like to get in the mail??
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